A Simple Indigestion or Something More Serious? Signs of Digestive Problems to Look Out For

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Many people may have digestive issues and not realize it. They may think that they just ate something funky and forget about it. Around 60-70 million Americans have a form of gastrointestinal disease, which means it is more common than you think. However, you should still look out for signs of a digestive issue to fix it right away. Here are some common signs that could mean you have a digestive problem.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

You could have irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS for short if you’ve been experiencing stomach pain at least thrice a month for several months. The symptoms of IBS can vary but it can often be caused by”gas-producing” foods such as caffeine, beans, alcohol, and dairy. You could get diarrhea after eating one trigger food or get constipated with another, or get loose stools one day then hard ones the next.

In case you suffer from IBS, schedule an appointment with a physician who offers services like endoscopy in Salt Lake City to confirm your diagnosis.

Weight Fluctuations

Another common sign of digestive problems is if you gained or lost weight. If your body cannot absorb all the nutrients it gets from the food, you may have unexplained weight loss. You can gain weight if you have slow bowel movements or constipation. You might frequently eat if you have ulcers or reflux to deal with the pain, which can make you gain weight. You may also have other symptoms of digestive issues, such as IBS or food intolerance, that could make you think you gained weight.

Skin Conditions

Digestive problems can also trigger skin conditions such as rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and acne. If your skin is flaky and dry, your body cannot digest fat properly, and you are low in enzyme lipase. You will not get essential vitamins, such as vitamins E, K, and A, which will not only affect your difestion, but affect your skin, too. You could have an uneven skin tone because your balance of bad and good gut bacteria is off. Your skin can also sag and wrinkle if you have chronic inflammation, which causes a breakdown in collagen, a protein that holds your skin together.


Ma having constipation

A lot of people experience constipation, especially since plenty of them purchase laxatives. Constipation happens because your body is struggling to remove waste. If you have infrequent and painful stools, abdominal pain, and feel bloated often, you could be constipated. However, the average frequency of stools can vary – three stools a week is alright, while three a day is also fine. A good rule of thumb is to talk to your doctor if you have not passed a stool for a week.

Food Intolerances

A food allergy could be the reason you have a digestive issue. For instance, a common food intolerance is lactose intolerance. Your body cannot digest lactose. However, the severity of the symptoms can vary for each person – some people may experience bloating and burping, whereas some may have bad stomach cramps and diarrhea. While you can tolerate a small amount of specific foods, it would be best to avoid them to prevent triggering any symptoms.

Our digestive system is a vital part of our body that can affect many parts of our body, such as our immune system and skin. Be sure you remember the signs above in case you suspect you’re suffering from digestive problems.

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