Alternatives to Overcoming Virtual School Stress

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Thousands of schools around the globe have decided to move the learning experience online. To the dismay of the members of the academe, it is not business as usual for the next few years because of COVID 19. The entire business and economy behind schools, in general, is considered in jeopardy by the United Nations. Many school dormitories and local businesses are dropping out due to the lack of clientele and patrons frequenting their businesses.

We are far away from achieving complete herd-immunity. Although every day, millions of people around the world are becoming inoculated, not everyone is on the same ship when it comes to vaccination. There are still reports, in the thousands, of people rejecting the very idea of vaccination. They fear the alleged side effects of vaccination, not to mention their fear of being microchipped by the invisible organization of extremely rich people. Reports such as these only underscore the importance of education for the masses. The lockdowns are not helping the cause. A lot of schools around the world have opted to take education online.

Even if the classes are now going digital, it is not without struggle. While it was time-saving and pretty convenient at first, millions are experiencing video call fatigue through the whole ordeal. Aside from the normal body aches one might feel from sitting the whole day, the entire stress of keeping online can take a toll on one’s eyes and body. The interface of some of these applications did not take into account whole-day use by millions of people. Video conferencing has transformed into a psychological problem.

What are the well-kept secrets and alternatives to treating and overcoming virtual school stress?


To combat the new-age type of stress, one of the most tried and tested forms of treatments are the ancient ones. Acupuncture is one of the most well-known alternatives and traditional treatments that originated from China. Most of its claim to fame is actually not based on any scientific knowledge. It involves pricking nerve centers and stagnant blood vessels in your body to unlock the free flow of the blood in your body. While still considered a pseudoscience for most doctors, it has helped millions of people in Mainland China and is used to treat various illnesses—both physical, emotional, and mental.

Herbal Supplements

While there is no concrete evidence that herbal medicine works as intended, the ingredients involved in making these supplements have a great basis on why they sometimes work. It is the science of using unprocessed raw materials such as plant fibers and crushed seeds to use as a vitamin supplement. Instead of going for manufactured vitamins, supplements are the alternative choice when it comes to satisfying your body’s vitamin needs. They may be sold as powders, pills, teas, or ingredients for your meals. Aside from the vitamins it provides for your body, it is also the source of vitamins that can augment the needs of your brain. It helps reduce the stress hormones your body emits during difficult times.


rolling out yoga mat

Online classes can sometimes be too stressful to handle. A lot of millennials have turned to the ancient art of yoga to help rid themselves of stress. Originating from India, yoga has a 5000-year history of exercising both the mind and body. The postures, breathing techniques, and meditation involved while doing yoga help alleviate the stress and anxiety the mind and body experience throughout the day. While there are many types and disciplines of yoga, all of them aim to bring harmony to your mind and body.

Because of the deep meditation one does during a yoga session, the mind becomes free and cleansed of all the negative thoughts that have clouded it. It also improves your body’s posture and increases your overall flexibility. The blood flow and the muscle’s strength are also heightened during long sessions of yoga, resulting in a much healthier physical state.

Online sessions of conferencing, whether it is for work or for academics, are slowly chipping away at everyone’s sanity. Video conferencing is difficult, especially if you have little to no interaction with your peers. While it is highly convenient and ideal during a worldwide pandemic, it is within everyone’s ultimate dream that things go back to normal as soon as possible.

Everyone misses everyone else. However, while we patiently wait for herd immunity, we must do what we can with what we have. We don’t have to live with just taking the brunt of online interactions. We can do something about its effects. Managing stress with the techniques mentioned above is but a few ways we can overcome the stress online classes bring.

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