Four Things That Can Help Boost Your Oral Health

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Maintaining good oral health is vital to overall wellbeing. Your oral health can affect your eating, speaking, and socializing. Taking care of your teeth and gums can also help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes.

However, a survey shows that 53% of consumers consider dental care not as a necessity but as a nice to have. Up to 17% prioritize fixing their car, house appliances, or electronics rather than addressing dental pain. This means that there is room for improvement when it comes to oral hygiene habits.

So, what can you do to boost your oral health aside from brushing your teeth regularly, staying hydrated, and eating a healthy diet? Below are four things that can help:

1. Consider a Dental Implant or Two

Having a missing tooth may not seem like a big deal. But did you know that it can cause your other teeth to shift? This can lead to misalignment and a whole host of other dental problems.

Replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant can help prevent these issues. When you have a whole set of pearly whites, it becomes easier to chew food and speak properly. Implants also help keep your face youthful by supporting the structure of your cheeks and lips.

But not many people know that a tooth replacement can help improve your oral health. This is because when experts replace a tooth, they place the new replacement tooth directly into your jawbone. As you heal, the bone fuses with the implant’s titanium post. This results in a stronger and healthier jawbone. Implants also help prevent your other teeth from shifting out of place, which can cause bite problems and gum disease.

This is why it pays to find a reputable dental clinic that can be your partner in maintaining good oral health. Choose a clinic that offers emergency dental care services for the best results. This way, you can be sure that you’ll get the treatment you need as soon as possible.

dentist with assistant

2. Brush Before Breakfast

You’ve probably been told repeatedly to brush your teeth at least twice a day. But did you know that when you brush your teeth can actually make a difference in your oral health?

It’s best to brush your teeth before eating breakfast in the morning. This is because you haven’t had anything to eat or drink since the night before. This means less food and bacteria are in your mouth, making it easier to clean.

Brushing before you eat your first meal of the day also helps remove any plaque that’s built up overnight. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. If you don’t remove plaque, it can harden into tartar, leading to gum disease.

Did you know that brushing before eating breakfast also helps coat your teeth with fluoride? Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent cavities. It’s added to water and toothpaste to help reduce tooth decay. When you brush your teeth before breakfast, the fluoride in your toothpaste has more time to work on your teeth. This then gives your teeth an extra layer of protection against cavities throughout the day.

3. Limit Caffeine Intake

Many people love to drink coffee in the morning. Others would even go as far as to say that they can’t function without it. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a cup of joe, too much caffeine can adversely affect your oral health.

This is because coffee is acidic. When you drink coffee, the acidity levels in your mouth increase. This can lead to enamel erosion, leading to tooth sensitivity and cavities.

As much as possible, try to limit your caffeine intake. If you can’t live without coffee, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water after drinking. You can also opt for less acidic coffee.

To limit the damage that coffee can do to your teeth, brush your teeth about 30 minutes after you finish your cup. You can also rinse your mouth with water after drinking coffee to help remove any residue. And if you can’t brush your teeth right away, try to wait an hour at least before you do.

4. Floss at Least Once Daily

Many people skip flossing, thinking that brushing alone is enough to keep their teeth clean. But the truth is, flossing is just as important as brushing when it comes to oral health.

Brushing only cleans the surfaces of your teeth. It can’t reach between your teeth to remove plaque and food particles. This is where flossing comes in.

Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from in between your teeth, where your toothbrush can’t reach. It also helps prevent gum diseases like gingivitis by eliminating bacteria that can cause inflammation.

For best results, floss at least once a day. It’s best to floss at night before you go to bed. This is because there’s less saliva in your mouth at night, which means there’s a higher risk of plaque buildup.

There you have it! These are four things that can help boost your oral health. By following these tips, you can be on your way to having healthier teeth and gums. So, what are you waiting for? Start taking care of your oral health today!

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