How to Cope with Loneliness During Lockdown

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These past few months have seen the world turn its head in an instant. Almost everyone has been left struggling to deal with feelings of isolation, anxiety, and stress during these unusual times. If you’re finding it hard to cope, you’re not alone. Here are some strategies to help you out as you socially distance yourself and stay at home.

Seek professional help

Mental health isn’t something you can deal with alone. If you’re dealing with intense feelings of loneliness during this challenging period, professional online counseling services and online support groups will teach you how to successfully manage these emotions.

Keep in touch with your friends and family

Just because you can’t meet with your friends and family in person doesn’t mean you can’t keep in touch with them. There are plenty of platforms you can use to connect with your loved ones such as video calls, phone calls, text messages, and emails. Programs like Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, and Facetime have optimized their services to meet these needs.

Take a break from the news

Whether you’re getting your news on Twitter or from the TV, you should limit your intake of updates to at least one hour of programming or one to two articles a day. As much as possible, stick to news that are relevant to your situation. It’s understandable to want to be informed, but paying too much attention to the news cycle can make you feel isolated and anxious.

Get some exercise

Exercise induces a release of endorphins in your body. This chemical can trigger positive feelings and lessen your perception of pain. It’s a productive hobby to take up during these long periods of self-isolation that will benefit you mentally and physically. If you’re able to, getting some fresh air on a walk outside is also a great way to see other people. Just be sure to keep your distance.

Practice mindfulness

waking up

Once you get preoccupied with feelings of loneliness and stress, it becomes a never-ending cycle that compromises your emotional health. Relax your mind and ease your tension by practicing mindfulness in the form of yoga, relaxation exercises, and deep breathing. This will allow you to cope with your negative thoughts and feelings in a fruitful manner.

Take up a new hobby

Without your commute taking time out of your day, you have more free hours to dedicate to a hobby. Find something that will give you a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of purpose. Writing a journal, knitting, gardening and baking are just some of the most fulfilling hobbies to consider taking up.

Stick to a schedule

Even if keeping to a schedule wasn’t part of your normal life before, it’s still an effective way to curb feelings of loneliness and anxiety. This is because adding elements of structure to your daily life can provide you with a sense of control over your circumstances. It also enables you to use your time wisely so you can pencil in more leisurely self-care activities.

It’s become more important than ever to be proactive about and take care of not just your physical health, but your mental health too. These tips will help you cope with the loneliness that you’re feeling during these unprecedented times.