Making Improvements to Your Life that Can Last Years

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For many, January is a time for starting over. Those resolutions are in place and everyone is at their most motivated. While most people think about ways to lose weight or get a healthier body, that’s not all there is to new year’s resolutions aimed at self-improvement.

You should also pay attention to these areas of your life:


You may not be dealing with signs of aging right now, but you’re closer than you think. That’s especially true if you ignore your skincare routine or do it inconsistently. With all the unhealthy eating and partying you did to end the year, your skin is at its most vulnerable and will need a double dose of TLC. A visit with a dermatologist in Salt Lake City to ask for their recommended serum is just one part of caring for your skin.

Don’t forget to apply products the right way, to let your skin absorb them easier and without causing unwanted damage. Don’t just keep adding new products to your skincare routine; a simple routine that’s done properly and consistently is better than an over complicated routine using the wrong products. There’s also such a thing as over-cleansing, so dial it back if your skin looks especially dry and flaky.

applying a face mask


Perhaps your new year’s resolution focuses on career improvement. Now is the time to sit down and look at what you want to be doing for the rest of your life instead of thinking about it short-term. Moving from one job after another is not a career. You’re building a career if you’re ready to commit to a certain industry and pour your time into it. Don’t be worried about starting a new career; age is not the measure of success. It’s never too late to be true to yourself and work on something you are good at, for years to come. Building your career also means being forthcoming when it comes to changes. If you feel that you deserve a promotion, talk to your supervisor and get the ball rolling. Once they see your dedication and commitment, you’ll be closer to the reward you’ve been working for.

Personal Relationships

There may have been several changes in your relationships last year, which prompted you to do a Friends list cleanse on Facebook. This is one good step toward a more organized future filled with meaningful relationships. However, it’s not enough to let social media dictate who your friends are. You also need to get out there and spend time with these people you’ve considered important enough to keep in your life for another year. If there are strained relationships you want to keep, initiate a conversation with them. A quick get-together over coffee can already mean so much. Realize that meaningful relationships make you feel better about yourself, and having these make it easy to break bad habits.

You’ve already been through the first weeks of the year, and maybe old habits have already set in. But it’s not too late to make improvements that will last for years.

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