Physical Factors That Affect the Clarity of Speech

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Most people dread speaking in front of a crowd. A lack of self-confidence is always considered the main reason people are unable to communicate their ideas. However, in some instances, the problem is not psychological but physical. Here is a list of some reasons people sometimes find it hard to get their message across:

Show Me Your Teeth

Are you having trouble with your S’s and Z’s? Lisps can sometimes be caused by overlapping upper or bottom teeth. This condition can be carried to adulthood. Necessary orthodontic treatment for adults is available to correct this problem. Other issues caused by misaligned, crooked, and widely spaced teeth are creating a whistling sound, slurring, and mispronunciation. Investing in dental health will not just give you a beaming smile and a good appetite; your teeth can also help you speak clearly.

Straighten Your Stance

Bad posture when sitting or standing blocks the passage of air. As such, the clarity of speech is affected. When your shoulders are hunched and your neck area is very tensed, the same thing happens. A good flow of air is a major prerequisite to a clear speech.

A simple act of standing or sitting straight can greatly affect the strength and clarity of your voice. The correct tilt of your head in the right direction can also give power to your vocal sound. Thus, the next time you feel like slumping, think again. Your stance matters more than you can think of.


Inhale, Exhale

When one is nervous, they tend to speak very fast and “eat” their words. Good breathing supports good speech. When you feel yourself on the edge and words are spilling out of your mouth faster than you can manage, breathe. Take deep breaths in and out.

Breathing exercise is a good way to warm up before starting a talk. It is also helpful to take a deep breath at the start of your speech. Properly spaced words emphasize what you are trying to convey.

Drawing your breath from your abdomen rather than your chest is also a game-changer. The former gives depth to your voice, while the latter makes you sound uncertain.

What’s Inside Your Mouth Matters

Soda, coffee, and alcohol are not the best choices of beverages before you give your talk. Your vocal cords need to get the proper moisture it needs to make your voice sound great. Water is still the best drink to have before a speaking engagement. A glass or bottle of water in hand while you speak can also be helpful to clear your voice. A few sips will do the trick.

A saliva buildup in your mouth can also affect your speech. When you do not properly swallow your saliva and it is accumulating inside your mouth, your voice produces gurgling sounds.

Practicing, having good body language, and building rapport with your audience are good points to make a great speech. But it is also noteworthy to consider physical factors that adversely affect how you deliver your words. After all, a good set of teeth and proper posture are also confidence boosters.

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