Women’s Health in the Age of Technology

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Throughout our history, women have fought to empower themselves in the context of their health. For many years they were at the mercy of male doctors with no say in their treatment or diagnosis. Even after gaining equal rights, women are still often taken for granted by medical professionals who assume that the female body is simply an inferior version of the male body (and vice versa). Now, thanks to modern technology and new ways of approaching medicine, women are actively taking charge of their health like never before.

Technology has allowed us to personally monitor our health, in ways that were unavailable to us even a decade ago. Apps like Glow are giving women unprecedented insight into their fertility cycles and when they’re most likely to get pregnant. Similarly, cancer detection technology is becoming more precise each year, allowing for earlier diagnoses and better treatment options. Breast cancer screenings have never been more accessible or less invasive thanks to new ultrasound technology.

By empowering women with knowledge about their bodies, we can give them the courage and confidence they need to stand up for themselves within the medical system. It’s important not only for women’s rights but also just as a matter of common courtesy that doctors listen to what women have to say about their health.


Breast cancer detection and technology has made it easier than ever to detect early signs of the disease

Breast cancer is the second-most common form of cancer in women, but also one with extremely high survival rates. Thanks to new technology like 3D mammography, women are able to detect breast cancer early than ever before.

Traditional 2D mammograms can miss up to 30% of small tumors hidden within fatty tissue. These subtypes of breast cancer are not only more difficult to diagnose, but also harder to treat and most likely fatal if left undiagnosed for too long. 3D mammography solves this problem by creating a 3-dimensional map of the breast that allows doctors to spot potentially harmful tumors even when they’re hiding between normal cells.

Breast self-exams have been a staple of women’s health since the 1970s when feminists first urged women to take control of their bodies. However, these exams can be difficult to perform properly and lead to unnecessary stress for many women. Ultrasound imaging allows women a guided view inside their breasts, so they know exactly what they’re looking at every time they perform a self-exam. This allows women to feel more confident about their bodies and less anxious about the outcome of every check.

The increasing accessibility of healthcare for women

Since women are often more present in their medical care than men, it’s important that they’re given the information and tools they need to stay healthy. By utilizing some of the newest technology like mobile apps, women can take control of their healthcare without fear of judgment or dismissal by medical professionals.

Thankfully, women in today’s world have access to women’s health clinics that specifically cater to women and offer women-centered care. These health clinics provide women with a safe space where they can ask any questions about their bodies and receive the treatment they need free of judgment and discrimination.

Many women’s clinics also specialize in providing women with low or no-cost preventative care like affordable birth control, STD screening, wellness exams, and breast cancer screenings – all at prices women can afford without having to go into debt just for taking charge of their well-being.

Fertility tracking apps

As we learn more about our hormones and how they work together to create balanced reproductive cycles, we’re able to take control of our bodies in new ways. Fertility tracking apps are one example of the increasingly personalized approach to women’s health.

Many modern women track their menstrual cycles not only for convenience but also out of curiosity about what might be happening with their bodies at any given moment. Knowing when you’re most fertile can help you make informed decisions about your sex life, whether it’s avoiding pregnancy or preparing for the arrival of a new family member.

The technology behind fertility tracking apps isn’t always 100% accurate, but it does give women more information about their bodies than they’ve had access to before. By empowering women with knowledge about their bodies, we can give them the courage and confidence they need to stand up for themselves within the medical community.

In this day and age, women have access to a new world of medical advancements that provide them with the tools they need to be proactive about their health. The next step is for women to make a conscious decision to use these tools and demand the same level of respect every other patient receives in today’s world. No woman should ever feel embarrassed or ashamed for taking charge of her health – but it’s our responsibility as women to ensure that this doesn’t happen.

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