Are dental implants worth it? 5 common questions about this procedure answered

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When it comes to having cosmetic dental treatments if you are like the majority of people you will have some questions.

Obviously, you will want to know if the procedures actually offer good results; for instance, do veneers really make your teeth whiter and less susceptible to sensitivity? But when it comes to procedures that involve surgeries, such as the fitting of oral implants, you may want to know a bit more about the overall treatment and the long-term benefits.

And with more dental surgeries offering oral implants than ever before, there has never been a better time to undertake this procedure as expertise and standards continue to rise.

Curious to learn more about having dental implants in Sydney CBD? Read on for the answers to the 5 most commonly asked questions.

Does the fitting hurt?

A key question that many patients have and an important one; in a word, no, the procedure itself should not be uncomfortable. But as discomfort is subjective, the sensation associated with dental implants near Sydney CBD is often compared to a dental extraction by many patients and should be manageable with over-the-counter pain relief. If you notice a worsening sensation post-fitting, talk to your dentist.

Will the implant fall out?

Correctly fitted dental implants from Sydney CBD should not fall out but in those first few weeks post-fitting, there are steps you will need to avoid to prevent it from doing so.

As the implant fuses to the jaw, you will need to avoid putting any stress on the implant, so no vigorous brushing and no hard foods. When your dentist gives you the green light to eat hard foods and brush with a firmer bristle, then the chances of the implant falling out has passed.

teeth color

Do they need different treatment to regular teeth?

No, they don’t.

So, you will need to brush them twice a day, avoid smoking and you will need to attend biannual check-ups as and when required. If you have a genetic history of gum disease, you will need to look after your implants by having frequent visits with a hygienist. Gum disease, like many other oral issues, can cause implants to fail and will need to be controlled for the implants to have a long life span.

How long do they last?

On average, oral implants last 15 years. But this is based on the assumption that the person who has them fitted is looking after their oral health, does not smoke and does not have any contraindicated disorders such as osteoporosis.

How do I know if one of them is infected?

An infected implant is quite rare but if you have concerns, look out for the following; redness at the implant site, a foul odour or taste, discomfort, discolouration of the gum (it may turn yellow, blue or purple) and a general feeling of being unwell. Any kind of oral infection is an emergency, and as soon as you spot the signs, contact your dentist for a check-up.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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