Caring for Your Skin to Fight Skin Aging

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According to the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, aging is a process determined by intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

Intrinsic aging occurs as a natural consequence of factors such as genes, hormones, and metabolism. We cannot do anything about it because it depends on family genetics. Does your mom have freckles or age spots? Chances are you will get freckles and age spots, too, when you reach her age.

Extrinsic aging, on the other hand, is caused by a combination of personal and environmental factors. Personal factors include repetitive muscle movements like squinting or frowning and lifestyle choices such as diet and smoking. Meanwhile, environmental factors include exposure to sunlight and pollution.

Knowing the two types of aging means that while looking old is unavoidable because of our DNA, we can still work on slowing down premature skin aging. Whether you decide to seek the help of a professional plastic surgeon in the future or not, you can always age gracefully by being mindful of the factors that can be controlled, such as rethinking lifestyle choices.


What we put inside our body affects what we see on the outside. To keep your skin firm, healthy, and young-looking, make sure that you are getting enough nutrients from the food that you eat. Eating healthy ensures a steady supply of nutrients, including beta carotene, vitamins C and E, zinc, and selenium, to allow new cells to grow. In fact, for people with skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema, certain foods are to be avoided because they worsen these conditions, so specific diets are to be observed.

Prevent premature skin aging by eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and consuming less sugar and carbohydrates. Some of the healthiest food for the skin include carrots, spinach, oranges, broccoli, nuts, avocado, fish, shellfish, tofu, lean red meat, poultry, and whole grains. Drinking six to eight glasses of water will also keep your skin hydrated.


Alcohol dehydrates the skin and inflames the tissue causing redness or flushing that in time can be prominent and permanent.


Smoking is known to be the leading cause of respiratory diseases. Still, it is also linked to a lot more health issues, including heart ailments, diabetes, stroke, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), insomnia, cataracts, tooth and hair loss, and more. Add to these the many ways smoking causes premature aging—uneven skin tone, sagging, aged spots, lines and wrinkles around the lips, crow’s feet, stretch marks, and warts.


woman looking at mirror

Practice a regular skin care regimen that works best for your skin type. Is your skin normal, dry, oily, combination, or sensitive? Knowing your skin type will help you determine the right products to use. Using a product that is not suited to your skin type will render it ineffective and may worsen existing conditions. For example, if you have acne, your skin is more sensitive compared, and not being mindful of the products that you put on your skin may make you break out more. For best results, consult a dermatologist to know the right facial cleanser, toner, and moisturizer for your everyday use. A dermatologist can also find ways to treat your acne.


Protecting your skin from the sun at all times is essential. Sun exposure does not only cause premature skin aging leading to age spots, sagging, and wrinkles. It is also a factor in developing skin cancer. So it is advisable that everyone—men, women, and children alike—protect their skin by staying out of the sun or covering up with clothing and seeking shade when outdoors. Applying sunscreen every day before leaving the house, even on cloudy days, is also highly recommended. Whether you are going to the beach or simply running some errands, always apply sunscreen to all skin that is not covered by clothing.

The Skin Cancer Foundation believes that you can use any sunscreen that you like as long as it provides broad-spectrum protection and has an SPF of 15 or higher. Broad-spectrum means the protection covers both types of UV light—UVA (the rays causing tanning and premature aging) and UVB (the rays causing sunburn). SPF indicates how long UV rays will take to damage your skin if you apply the sunscreen compared with not wearing any sunscreen at all. For example, a sunscreen with SPF 30 would take 30 times longer to burn compared with bare skin. SPF 15 is ideal for daily exposure, while SPF 30 is perfect for prolonged outdoor activities such as working outdoors, swimming, and hiking.


Working out is beneficial in keeping the body healthy, reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other serious illness. It is also vital to maintaining healthy skin. Exercise increases blood flow, which helps in nourishing skin cells and gives the skin a youthful appearance. Physical activity also promotes sweating, which removes toxins from the body that aid in rejuvenating the skin.

Skin aging is inevitable. It is a natural process that is bound to happen as we grow older. With time, it is natural to have dark spots, fine lines, sagging, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. However, being mindful of what you eat and drink and taking care of your body are the best ways you can do help you retain that youthful glow.

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