Four Signs You Should See an Eye Doctor

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A report has found that the average American adult spend 12 hours looking at screens per day. Whether you prefer using your smartphone, TV, or computer, you expose your eyes to a significant amount of artificial light daily. This significant usage could lead to a number of eye problems.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Here are a few reasons you should make a doctor’s appointment:

Your Eyes Hurt

Only a doctor can determine whether you need to choose a type of glaucoma surgery or an eye drop brand. Severe pain in the eyes can be a symptom of many conditions, from allergies to conjunctivitis. You’ll need an ophthalmologist or optometrist to get to the root cause to identify the right cure.

Don’t rely on home remedies and questionable sources on the Internet. Self-medication may mask your issues for some time, but it can lead to a worsened condition. Also, early diagnosis and treatment are always better. It can prevent your eye problems from aggravating, which saves you time and money in the long run.

You Can’t See Clearly

woman having her eyes checked

It can happen slowly, so you don’t notice it at first. But your eyesight may be deteriorating over time. Maybe the street sign you see every day isn’t as clear as it was a few months ago. Or you may need to squint now to read something on your TV when you didn’t need to before.

If you find that you need help to see something clearly, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor. They can tell you whether you need prescription glasses to correct your vision. If you don’t like the idea of wearing eyeglasses, you can get contact lenses or even LASIK surgery. Don’t let fear or stubbornness keep you from seeing the world with clarity.

You Have a Family Member with Eye Disease

Ask your cousins, aunts, and parents if they’ve ever been diagnosed with an eye condition. A large number of eye problems, such as malformations and cataracts, are inherited. In fact, if you have a relative with glaucoma, you’re four to nine times more likely to also have the condition. If you get tested early, you can correct your vision and avoid consequences such as vision loss.

You Turned 40 Years Old

Even if you haven’t experienced any discomfort or changes in your vision, you should still get an eye exam. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, precautionary screenings for 40-year-olds are important to identify early signs of diseases. It may reveal underlying conditions not just affecting your eyes. Dryness and redness in the eyes can also be signs of rheumatoid arthritis.

Make sure to check the coverage of your health insurance if it includes vision coverage. Some insurance may not cover doctor’s fees or may only include discounts.

Eye problems are practically unavoidable these days because of the popularity of social media, e-books, and video streaming services. One way or another, you’ve experienced some sort of strain or discomfort in your eyes. It can be a minor situation that only requires rest or a serious medical condition. When in doubt, get a checkup.

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