How To Manage Psoriasis With Self-care Measures

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If you have psoriasis, you know it can be frustrating and even painful. But there are things you can do at home to help manage your symptoms and keep your skin healthy. In this blog post, we’ll share some self-care measures that can help you manage psoriasis.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

One of the most important things you can do for your psoriasis is to keep your skin moisturized. This will help reduce inflammation and itching and can even help prevent new flare-ups. Look for a moisturizer designed for sensitive skin and apply it liberally to all areas of your body affected by psoriasis. Be sure to reapply as needed throughout the day, especially after bathing or showering.

Moisturize your skin twice daily, once in the morning and once at night. Make sure to apply moisturizer liberally to all areas of your body that are affected by psoriasis. Reapply as needed, especially after bathing or showering.

Take Warm Baths or Showers

Closeup of Asian female adult face enjoying relaxation time meditating in warm bath cleaning face and body

Taking warm baths or showers can help soothe your skin and reduce inflammation if you have psoriasis. Add a mild soap or cleanser to your bathwater, or use a soap alternative such as colloidal oatmeal or bath oils. Soak in the tub for 10-15 minutes before gently patting yourself dry with a soft towel. Avoid scrubbing your skin too vigorously, as this can worsen irritation.

It would help if you also used a good shampoo and conditioner for dry scalp to help keep your scalp healthy. This will help reduce itching and flaking. Additionally, avoid over-washing, as this can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause irritation.

Avoid Irritants

Certain things can irritate your psoriasis and worsen your symptoms, so avoiding them is essential. These include harsh soaps, detergents, and fragrances; hot water; scratchy fabrics; and excessive sun exposure. If you know of other things that irritate your skin, try to avoid them.

Additionally, you should avoid scratching or picking at psoriasis plaques, as this can worsen inflammation and lead to infection. Ensure your environment is not too dry, which can worsen psoriasis symptoms.

Practice Stress Management

When it comes to managing psoriasis, stress management is vital. Stress can trigger Psoriasis flares, and high-stress levels can worsen psoriasis symptoms. To reduce stress, try exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, and talking to friends and family about your feelings.


If you want to start working out to help manage your psoriasis, it’s essential to do so safely and effectively. Here are some tips for creating a workout routine:

  • Start slowly and gradually increase your workouts’ intensity over time. This will help prevent injury and allow your body to get used to the new activity.
  • Choose low-impact exercises that will not put too much stress on your joints. Swimming, biking, and walking are all excellent options.
  • Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes that fit well.
  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after workouts to stay hydrated.
  • Warm-up and cool down properly before and after each workout session.
  • Listen to your body and stop if you feel pain or discomfort.

Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet can help with psoriasis in several ways. A healthy diet helps to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and gut health, boost immunity, and regulate hormones.

It’s best to focus on eating whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Additionally, drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and flush out toxins.

Adequate Sleep

Getting adequate sleep is essential for psoriasis management. Sleep helps your body repair and heal, reducing inflammation and minimizing psoriasis flare-ups. It is best to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and have a regular bedtime and wake time.

Avoid looking at screens before bed, as this can disrupt your natural circadian rhythm. Additionally, try winding down with a relaxing activity like reading or listening to music before going to sleep. This will induce drowsiness and allow you to sleep through the night more soundly.

Talk to loved ones

Talking to friends and family about your feelings can be a great way to manage stress. It can also help you process your emotions and find support from those who understand what you’re going through. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try talking to a therapist or counselor who can help you navigate your mental health.

Use Gentle Skincare Products

When you have psoriasis, it’s essential to be gentle with your skin. This means using skincare products that are designed for sensitive skin and avoiding those that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances.

Opt for mild cleansers and soaps, and look for lotions and creams that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. You might also want to try using natural skincare products made with ingredients like aloe vera or chamomile, which can be soothing for sensitive skin.

Managing psoriasis can be challenging, but with the right tools, it’s possible to keep symptoms under control. This article outlined some of the best ways to manage psoriasis flares and reduce stress. So follow these tips to find relief and live a healthier life.

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