Moving With Children: How to Help Kids Adjust and Cope

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Let’s face it: moving is a highly stressful event. It becomes even more challenging when children are involved. The prospect of having to move to a different neighborhood and city, switch schools, leave old friends and make new ones can be a tough concept for them to process.

This is not a surprising reaction, given that most of the time, they had no part in the decision-making. So as parents, expect some sort of resistance. But keep in mind that this can be managed.

Also, remember that no matter how much you dread the idea of moving yourself, do not show it in front of your kids. They rely on you for emotional support, and plenty of times, children will mirror whatever attitude they see from the adults they trust. If they see you feeling negative about the move, the more they will be apprehensive about the entire situation.

Like you, your children will also need some time to adjust to the new environment. So, before making any discussions with your chosen house organizer in Seattle, who will help you arrange things in your new home to be emotionally conducive to your kids, here are some preparatory actions you can do for your children.

Let your kids know about the move as early as you can

As soon as you hear the news that the move has been finalized, gather your children for a talk and let them know that it is happening as early as possible. They are going to need some time to gather their thoughts, so the earlier you inform them, the better.

Movers unloading moving van

Of course, be prepared for their reactions. Most likely, it is not going to be positive. They are going to feel sad. They are going to be curious and ask a lot of questions. To keep their trust, be truthful.

Make your kids feel that they can ask you anything

The most common questions they are likely to ask are about their new school, new bedroom, friends and pets. Prepare to answer all of these. Tell them that with technology, it will be easier for them to stay in contact with their old classmates and friends.

Reassure them that they will be able to make new friends at their new school. The idea of having new teachers and new sports team members may actually excite them, too. Remember not to make empty promises, however. The next time you are faced with the same situation, it will be difficult to win their trust once again.

You can also turn this event into a fun bonding activity. Create a colorful calendar that your little ones can rip each day as they count down the days before the move. Make a small journal where they can write about their thoughts or put pictures of fun memories they had at your soon-to-be old house and school.

With a bit of creativity and resourcefulness, you can make this period less about the sad part and more about looking forward to a positive change.

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