Pain With Braces: It Is Only Temporary

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Many of those who are considering braces are worried about the pain associated with getting and wearing them. If you’re one of them, you should know that having braces, in general, isn’t a painful experience. In fact, the process of putting the brackets and wires to the teeth doesn’t hurt at all. You, however, will feel some discomfort within the first few days and weeks of wearing them.

But many patients are often scared of the possible consequences of a dental appliance that is not applied correctly. If you want to prevent such issues, you should know that there are ways you can lessen the pain. Meet a dentist or an orthodontist who can help you choose the right orthodontic appliance for your teeth.

Getting Accustomed to Your Braces

As your teeth are not used to having foreign objects like wires and brackets on them, pain is likely within a few hours of getting braces. Canton orthodontists note that this can last for about a week, as your mouth needs to get accustomed to the feeling of your new braces. The wires and rubber bands will put pressure on your choppers to slowly move them in the right position.

Pain in Braces Without Wires and Brackets

Even for braces that don’t involve wires and rubber bands, pain can still be felt. This is true for invisible braces or Invisalign, but it’s generally less painful than conventional metal braces. Invisalign is a great option for image-conscious patients or those who don’t want to have a traditional metal mouth. You just have to make sure that this option is best suited for your situation or orthodontic issue.

Low Pain Tolerance and Managing Pain

Anxious dental patientMost people find the pain and soreness somehow manageable, but this isn’t always the case for those with low pain tolerance. If you’re concerned about your pain tolerance, you can take over-the-counter painkillers. Sticking to soft foods for the first week and having cold drinks like smoothies can also help. You could also avoid hard and crunchy foods, sticky and hard candies, and even sugary sweet foods.

Tightening of Braces

Braces correct alignment issues by delivering constant pressure on your teeth. This is why you need to visit your orthodontist every few weeks for adjustments. This involves an evaluation of your teeth’s movement, as well as tightening of the wires and elastic. This can cause pain and soreness for a few days, but you’re likely to get used to this increased pressure during that period.

It’s common for most patients to get used to their braces after month. And after six months, you might not even notice that they are there. For those who endure the early discomfort, they know that they will eventually find a way to feel comfortable about the dental appliance. Aside from the dental benefits, the appliance could give anyone the confidence and boost in self-esteem many people would welcome. Contact an orthodontic clinic today to learn how braces can do your smile and oral health a big favor.

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