Pregnancy Preps: What to Expect During the First Trimester

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Pregnancy brings in many changes to a woman’s body. If you’re a first-time mom, such changes can be too overwhelming. Sometimes, it can even throw you into a loop of anxiety, not knowing which is normal and which isn’t. Unsolicited stories from friends about their ‘easy’ first trimester don’t help either.

So, what should you expect when you’re expecting a child? Here are the changes you might want to prepare for:

Feeling a little dizzy

Lightheadedness happens due to rising hormone levels, supplying more blood and nutrients to the baby. While this means increased blood flow to the fetus, it also means a slower return of the blood in the veins to you. As a result, you have lower blood pressure. This reduces blood flow to the brain, which then makes you feel lightheaded.

Another reason behind dizziness is the low blood sugar level. This happens because the body is coping with the changes in metabolism. If you’re anemic or have varicose veins, you’d feel this symptom a little more frequently than others. To manage the dizziness, avoid standing for a long time. Take occasional sit-down breaks and try to get back up slowly. Be sure to keep moving your feet as well while standing to improve blood circulation.

Peeing a little too frequently

Person pushing down the flush buttonThis is one of the first signs of pregnancy. According to practitioners of family medicine in Salem, frequent urination happens due to the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, more commonly called hCG, which increases the blood flow in the pelvic area. Note that your uterus is expanding as well to give space to the growing baby. This then puts pressure on your bladder, causing that urge to go to the toilet.

You can manage frequent trips to the bathroom by emptying your bladder completely with a forward-leaning position. Try to pass up on the caffeine as well, as this would increase your gotta-go urge. Never limit water intake, though, because you and your baby would need more fluids throughout the pregnancy period. You need to avoid urinary tract infection caused by dehydration as well.

Having a white discharge

White discharge is often a cause of concern for most women. But a white liquid is normal at the early days of pregnancy. This is called leukorrhea and your hormones cause it. As the body produces more estrogen, there’s more blood flow to the pelvic area; therefore stimulating the mucous membranes and producing the discharge.

This odorless liquid is nothing to worry about. Use a sanitary pad to make yourself comfortable. Don’t use tampons, as this might introduce germs that could affect your baby’s health. If you do notice a green or yellow discharge that has a foul smell, get in touch with your family doctor immediately. You might have developed a vaginal infection.

Pregnancy is a big life milestone that’s marked by changes. Some will leave you amazed, while others will make you utterly tired. But think of such changes as a necessary preparation for the arrival of your little one.

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