Solve Problems Brought About by Missing Permanent Teeth with Dental Implants

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A report by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons numbers about 70 percent of adults with at least one less permanent tooth. The loss of permanent teeth in adults may be attributed to tooth decay, physical trauma, and periodontal disease. When you are missing a few teeth you become self-conscious and lose confidence. Fortunately, your dentist can offer a few smart and contemporary solutions.

Implant History

Implants are favored as a dental restoration procedure because it is known to preserve natural bone. The earliest tooth implants were found in a woman who was alive in 600 AD. In 1951, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry dedicated itself to advancing the practice of implantology, and advances, such as the utilization of titanium, helped them acquire better results.

Artificial Roots for Missing Teeth

When a dentist places titanium implants in the jawbone, the metal eventually fuses with natural tissue. It will not cause damage and slip, serving as a stable root for the artificial teeth to take the place of the ones you have lost. Implants are becoming the better choice over bridgework or dentures for people who have healthy bone and oral tissue. Of course, you must have adequate bone to secure the implant. You must also realize that it takes commitment to see the process through. However, if you are unwilling to wear dentures, then it is imperative that you commit to the recommendation of your dentist. Implants are more costly than other options, so be prepared to invest at least $1,000 to $2,000.

Two Types of Implants

woman checking her teeth at the dentist clinicAccording to the American Dental Association considers two types of dental implants are safe to use. The most common are endosteal implants or root-form implants, which go directly into the jawbone. If the foundation is secure there is no reason for the implant to fail. Connecting a post to the original implant requires a second surgery so that the surgeon can connect an artificial tooth. Meanwhile, a subperiosteal implant consists of a metal frame placed just under the gums, with the posts protruding through the gums, where the surgeon will place the artificial tooth. When you are ready for your dental implants, South Jordan specialists will do what they can to offer you excellent results.

Potential Risks

There is no perfect solution, and even implant surgery can give rise to complications such as damage to surrounding tissue, infection, and fractured implants. You must be aware of what can go wrong so that you can prepare well for the procedure. If a problem occurs, work with the surgeon for corrective action. It is necessary to treat even minor complications immediately and work to preserve the implant for long-term viability. When a first implant fails, it is still possible to rectify the problem with a second surgery when the first one heals completely.

Artificial teeth mounted on implants offer the look and feel of natural teeth. They will not come loose, and the metal will harmonize with natural bone. If you are losing confidence in yourself having lost too many permanent teeth consider asking your dentist about possible options based on your preferences and lifestyle choices.

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