Teeth, Made to Order

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I recently got into a debate with my partner regarding the luxury versus the necessity of having perfect, white, healthy teeth. I mentioned that I wanted to get veneers to boost my self-confidence and he told me that it’s a trend that will eventually fade and that nobody needs it. I, however, beg to differ. I did my research on the benefits of having a perfect set of pearly whites (aside from the obvious stuff) and found out why orthodontic dental laboratories are on the rise and why the business of perfect teeth is more than just a passing trend.

Beyond the pearly whites

Let us talk about the apparent benefits of having perfect teeth. Your dental health naturally affects your overall health. Have you ever experienced a toothache? If not, well, congratulations to your (most likely) healthy gums, but if you did, you know it practically renders you useless, immobile and wishing you had the strength to pluck your tooth out. What most people don’t realize is that your dental health is directly linked to your heart. Having poor oral health puts a person at risk for heart disease. Not only that, but poor oral hygiene also increases the risk of diabetes and stroke. The bacteria that builds up in your gums and teeth are not to be taken lightly. The absence of oral pain does not necessarily mean the absence of bacteria in your mouth. That is why regular trips to the dentist is a necessity more than it is a luxury.

Custom-made teeth

custome made teeth

No, I am not referring to dentures. In recent years, you do not have to be a singer an actress or a popular artist to wish to have perfect teeth. While these dental procedures remain to be expensive, recent advances in technology made it possible for mere mortals such as ourselves to achieve that “million dollar smile”. Work and research conducted in orthodontic dental laboratories mean having more options available that could suit our budget and our intentions.

Here are some of the popular options in recent years that will most likely persist in 2019 and the years to follow:

  • Porcelain Veneers – this is something that I have been considering to do over the years. I have made a few trips to the dentist just to survey how much it would cost for me to have my teeth looking whiter and perfectly aligned. More than just vanity, it is a way for me to gain more self-confidence.
  • Dental implants – these are permanent teeth replacements that are meant to last a lifetime. If you have missing teeth, the option of having dental implants may be worth asking about on your next dental appointment. Some of the advantages include improved appearance, replacing broken or decayed teeth, restoring bite force and prevents changes in the shape of your face (because teeth loss makes you lose bone mass in your jaws).
  • Teeth Whitening Treatments – there are affordable options available in the market, but it is always best to see your dentist if you want to have your teeth whitened. You do not want your teeth looking “too white” that it becomes so unnatural looking and overusing whitening products that probably strip off your teeth’s protective enamel in the process. Having your teeth whitened with your dentist gives you the peace of mind that your teeth are being whitened the healthy way.  

Whatever teeth situation you currently have, these recent breakthroughs in dental care will surely give you more reasons to smile about.

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