The Doctors Are In: Staying Young in the Beehive State

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What keeps Utah women young and beautiful? Is it the desert air wafting from the salt flats? The nutrient-rich water from their aquifers? Perhaps it’s all these things, but the fact that the Beehive State has the second most plastic surgeons per capita in the United States is also a huge contributor. According to research, two-thirds of the women in Utah know someone who has had elective plastic surgery.

So why do the women of Utah invest so much money in cosmetic and plastic surgery? And which procedures are the most popular among them?

Staying Fresh and Fabulous Under the Sun

Women don’t just line up at clinics in Salt Lake City for salt lake city botox and facial treatment centers in Sandy for no reason.

Experts revealed that one of the reasons Utah women sign up for elective surgery is the need to feel sexy again after childbirth. A set of procedures known as a “mommy makeover” is one way friends and family help their female friends regain their confidence and sexiness after pregnancy. This includes breast augmentation to counter droopiness, and a tummy tuck and liposuction to get rid of the pregnancy poundage. Apparently, women consider this an excellent holiday gift to their friends.

Sometimes women do it because they don’t want to feel or look old. One woman said that she wanted “to look fresh and subtle” and thanks to cosmetic surgeries, she got her wish. Plastic surgery offers women ways to feel good about their looks and their body. The women of Utah aren’t the only ones who feel this way. A study indicated 80 percent of women in the United States want to improve the way they look.

Even younger women have the occasional cosmetic procedure, which can range from nose alterations to lip injections and cheek fillers. But aside from those, what do women in Utah want from their surgeons and doctors?

Popular Procedures in Utah

face injection

Data gathered by the Plastic Surgery Statistics Report shows which procedures the people of the “beauty-hungry” Beehive State patronize the most.

Facelifts remain popular as a means to remove wrinkles and add a few more years of youth to someone’s clock. Also called rhytidectomy by medical professionals, surgeons performed 126,000 of these procedures throughout the United States in 2017. This procedure involves the vertical lifting of the layers of the lower face and neck to bring back the firmness of youth to someone’s face.

Men and women apparently both like nose reshaping, or rhinoplasty, and the Report indicates 52,000 men had the procedure in 2017. A surgeon can perform it to refine the shape of someone’s nose to one they like better. Sometimes, doctors use it to improve or restore nasal function in the event of trauma to the portion of the face.

Breast augmentation remains the most popular cosmetic procedure. In 2017, plastic surgeons performed more than 108,000 breast augmentations in the Western area of the United States alone. Better shaped or bigger breasts have been topping the list of procedures since 2006.

Cosmetic surgery allows people, not just women, to be the version of themselves that they want to be. It helps them build confidence and feel good about themselves. And in Utah, the right place to achieve this can be right around the corner.