Well-Hidden Treatment

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With today’s technology, straightening the teeth needn’t mean having to wear a highly visible pair of braces. There are several ways of fixing a crooked smile that don’t rely on noticeable dental appliances. Manufacturers use materials that blend in with the patient’s dental appearance. Tooth-coloured and transparent components help the patient to avoid unwanted attention during their treatment. Available now in Weybridge, Incognito offers another way for patients to keep their treatment well-hidden. Attached to the backs of the patient’s teeth, Incognito’s brackets and wires are lightweight and hardly visible.

Who chooses Incognito in Weybridge?

Incognito in Weybridge will improve a variety of dental misalignments. Crowded smiles, misaligned bites, and prominent front teeth can all benefit from Incognito’s contemporary performance. After treatment is completed at a practice such as Weybridge Orthodontics, the patient’s smile will be noticeably more appealing. This visual boost often leads to enhanced overall confidence in one’s appearance. Alongside this, the patient will enjoy improved oral hygiene because the newly-aligned teeth are easier to keep clean. There’ll be less risk of jaw strain, too, as the teeth operate with more efficiency.

The stages of Incognito in Weybridge

First of all, the patient will discuss their misalignment issues with the team at the dental practice. Then some detailed images of the teeth will be taken using special software.

After the braces have been placed onto the backs of the patient’s teeth, treatment proceeds according to a careful plan. It might take a year or longer for the braces to achieve their effects. The dentist will inform the patient of the treatment’s duration before it commences.

Hidden progress

Incognito in Weybridge is an inconspicuous method of improving one’s dental alignment. By minimising visual disruption, it allows patients to proceed as normal with their work and social lives. It steadily applies a carefully controlled pressure to move the teeth into the desired positions. Once the braces are removed, there’ll be a noticeable improvement in the quality of the patient’s smile. Treatment might take a while to complete, but the results are significant and long-lasting. Having Incognito in Weybridge can be a big step forward into a better dental future.

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