Retinol, Vitamin C, or Niacinamide: Which Is Best for Your Skin?

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A skincare routine contains so many steps that complicate the procedure. Korean beauty gurus inspire so much hype around a perfect 10-step skincare routine. The skincare industry is estimated to reach $177 billion by 2025, but the hype didn’t happen overnight. It is a part of a marketing strategy meant to make you spend more.

A basic skincare routine is not that complicated. Good-quality (not expensive) products give you favorable results when you use them consistently. You must focus on two things: building an easy routine that you can follow every day and looking for products that nourish your skin.

Why Use Serums?

The second point is all about serums as they are the champions of nourishment. They have tons of benefits that make it hard to skip this step. After your teenage years, it becomes necessary to include serums in your routine. But how do you choose the right one?

Choosing Between the Three Serums

When it comes to using serums, there are three that dominate the market:

  • Vitamin C
  • Niacinamide
  • Retinol

You can begin by understanding what these serums do and which is the best for the skin.

Think of them as doctors. There are different kinds of doctors, and you need specific ones for each need. You can’t go to a dermatologist for a ligament rupture. You’ll need an auto injury chiropractor if your muscles are torn.

That’s why you must have some knowledge about serums.

1. Vitamin C Serums

Vitamin C serum is what you need if you’re looking for a one-stop solution for most of your skincare problems and don’t want to spend money on multiple steps. If you’re a DIY fan and placing citrus fruits like lemon and orange on your face, stop right now. With those, you have no control over the amount of vitamin C and can harm your skin.

The benefits of a good-quality vitamin C serum are excellent:

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It reverses sun damage, which makes it the best companion for sunscreen.
  • It boosts collagen, thus keeping your skin younger.
  • It reduces hyperpigmentation, which results in an even skin tone.

Look for one with 10 to 20% L-ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and ferulic acid. It must come in an air-tight bottle. Apply it in the morning on a clean face, followed by moisture and sunscreen. You can also use it at night, after toner, again followed by a moisturizer.

2. Niacinamide Serums


Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3, the deficiency of which leads to different skin conditions. Vitamin B3 is also found in eggs, cereals, fish, and milk. You can eat these to prevent the deficiency, but applying a vitamin product is the best choice for skincare.

Here are the benefits of niacinamide serum:

  • Niacinamide helps create proteins for the skin. It also secures moisture in the skin to keep it plump.
  • It is useful for treating acne, both severe and mild. When you use this consistently, you’ll see visible differences in skin texture.
  • It is best known to cure inflammatory acne-like papules. It reduces redness in cases of eczema and inflammatory acne.

3. Retinol Serums

Retinols are part of the vitamin A family, the holy grail for anti-aging products. These are versions of retinoids that are available over the counter. These are so popular because of the way they work. Unlike other skincare products, the strip the dead skin cells, retinol goes two layers deep into the skin.

It triggers free radicals and accentuates collagen and elastin production when it reaches the dermis.

Here are the benefits of retinol serums:

  • Retinol prevents your pores from clogging and prevents breakouts.
  • It treats fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, leading to younger-looking skin.
  • It also keeps your skin hydrated, which makes it soft and plump.

Retinol is not for kids. It’s advisable to use it after the age of 23. This is the time when your skin loses elasticity and collagen. Beware of side effects like dry and irritated skin after the first few uses. It’s good to ease into the product and choose mild ones in the beginning.

They reduce irritation. Apply the retinol serum at least 30 minutes after you wash the face. In the beginning, use it every alternate day to adjust your skin to the product.

Final Thoughts

Serums are an integral part of the skincare routine. They provide the nourishment that your skin needs. People try out multiple serums before ending up with one, and it’s the best decision ever. You can never go wrong with serums if you begin with mild formulations and climb your way up. Include one of these in your routine and watch your skin glow.

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