Puberty Changes: How Can You Help Teenagers?

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Puberty is the stage of life when children’s bodies start to change into adults. This process begins when the body produces hormones that trigger physical changes. These changes can vary from person to person but usually include:

  • Growing taller
  • Developing breasts or testicles
  • Getting a deeper voice
  • Experiencing changes in moods and emotions

Puberty can be difficult for teens, so you must offer them your support.

How to Handle the Physical Changes

Parents and teachers can offer teens support and help them through the physical changes of puberty. When your child’s voice starts to change, make sure they feel confident about how it sounds. Be supportive of all their physical changes, like if they start growing taller or getting bigger shoulders, and make sure they know that you think they’re “all grown up.” You should also remind them that puberty doesn’t have to be a scary time- this is just a phase that everyone goes through!

For example, you can tell your child that many adults remember it was tough for them at first, but most teens get used to the physical changes.

If your child develops facial hair, remember that shaving can be a difficult task for them. Give them a hand with any shaving needs, from giving the best advice on shaving without nicks or cuts to supplying all their shaving equipment.

Furthermore, they might need other health-related appliances such as wearing braces. Braces are a part of many teens’ puberty experiences to help straighten their teeth and improve their smiles. They may be self-conscious about braces, but try to make them feel confident about them. When buying snacks for their cravings, teens with braces can find it difficult to eat crunchy foods or sticky candy, so keep this in mind.

sad teenager

Tips for Coping with Emotional and Social Changes

  • Stay tuned in to your child’s emotional ups and downs.
  • Document any physical or social changes they experience so you can help them understand what is going on.
  • Encourage your child to express how they feel through various activities, such as writing, drawing, talking to friends, expressing emotions via music, or anything that will help them work through their feelings.
  • Be there for your teenager when they need guidance and support.
  • Remind them that these changes are an important part of growing up and that these changes will eventually get easier to deal with.

Helping Your Child Maintain a Healthy Body Image

One of the most important things you can do to help your teenager maintain a healthy body image is to be a good role model. If you constantly criticize your own body or talk negatively about your own appearance, your child will likely do the same. Instead, focus on what you like about yourself and give your child positive feedback about their appearance.

Another thing you can do is provide your child with healthy foods and snacks. If they’re constantly eating junk food, they’ll start to think that’s what an “acceptable” body looks like. Teach them about the importance of eating nutritious foods, and make sure they know that all bodies are beautiful in their own way.

Finally, encourage your child to get plenty of exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, which make people feel good about themselves. It also helps them develop a healthy body image by seeing firsthand what their bodies are capable of.

If your child starts to put on weight as they hit puberty, emphasize that this is a normal part of growing up and that everyone gains weight as they go through puberty.

Improving Communication Between You and Your Teenager

One of the best things you can do to help improve communication with your teenager is to be a good listener. When they come to you with a problem or something they’re struggling with, make sure you give them your undivided attention and listen to what they have to say. Show them that you care about their thoughts and feelings by paraphrasing back to them what you think they’re saying. This will help ensure that you’re both on the same page.

Another thing you can do is keep an open dialogue with your child. Let them know that it’s okay to talk to you about anything- from puberty changes to school problems to relationships. Make sure they know that you’re always available to talk and be patient when they come to you with something they’re confused about.

Finally, actively try to understand your child’s perspective on things that are going on in their life. They might not think or feel the ways that you do. By taking the time to empathize and see things from their point of view, you’ll be able to help them better than if you try to force your own opinions onto them.

So, these are just a few things you can do to help your teen get through puberty. Remember that every child is different, so what works for one may not work for another. Be patient and understanding, and consult a professional if needed. Puberty can be a difficult time for any teenager, but with the right help and support, they’ll make it through.

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