6 Common Dental Emergencies and What You Should Do About It

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Dental emergencies can arise even during moments when you least expect them. If you know first aid, you may be able to prevent further damage on your way to the dental clinic. Here are common dental injuries and their possible first aid treatments:

1. Toothaches

Nothing can motivate you better to pay a visit to your dentist than a full-blown toothache. When your tooth is throbbing like there’s no tomorrow, the best thing to do is to keep your cool, gargle warm water, and try to remove any food particles by flossing.

If your gum or cheek is swollen, apply a cold compress to the affected area. Don’t put any painkiller or aspirin directly into the gums or any soft tissue surrounding the affected tooth, as it might burn the soft tissue. Go to your general dentist in South Jordan immediately.

2. Knocked-Out Tooth

Whether the tooth has been knocked out following a sports event or it just came off on its own, saving the tooth by keeping its root intact should be first in order. To do this, take the tooth by its crown (the white part that protrudes from the gums) and gently cleanse it with water if it’s dirty.

Don’t try to scrub it as doing so may damage the tissue attachments. If possible, try to reinsert the tooth back to its place in your gum, making sure that the tooth is facing the right direction. If it’s not possible to reinsert the tooth, store it in a container with milk to keep it intact. Seeing your dentist within the hour of the injury gives you the best chance to save the tooth without any problem.

3. Chipped Tooth

In case of a broken tooth, gargle warm water and collect all the chipped off pieces when possible. If there’s bleeding, try to stop it by applying a gauze to the affected area. If your gum is swelling, apply an ice pack near the affected gum. Use an over-the-counter pain reliever to manage the pain while you’re on your way to the dentist.

4. Soft Tissue Bleeding and Injury

If you suffered a soft tissue injury following a rigorous physical activity, the first course of action is to control the bleeding. To do this, gargle a saline solution and then use a gauze to apply pressure to the bleeding area for 15 minutes. To manage the pain and bleeding, apply a cold compress to the cheek that’s near the affected part. Get to your dentist right away especially if bleeding persists.

5. Infection

Dentist checking patient's mouth

Oral infection is a serious health risk as the condition could affect surrounding parts of the mouth and could transmit to other parts of the body if left untreated. If you notice a pimple-like growth, an abscess, or pus in your gum, that’s a clear indication that you have an oral infection and need to see your dentist immediately. In the meantime, gargle a mild saline solution (half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in eight ounces of water) to cleanse the affected area temporarily.

6. Broken Braces

If the wire of your braces sticks out or breaks off, try to gently reposition it back to its original place or at least to a more comfortable position for you. If it’s hard to reposition the wire, try to stick or cover its end with an orthodontic wax, gauze, or cotton ball. Let your orthodontist fix the brace right away.

Dental emergencies don’t have to result in severe damages. The important thing is to keep calm, do some first aid intervention, and go to your dentist right away.

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