Are Dental Implants for You?

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Dental implants are an advanced solution to missing teeth. Dental implants offer restoration to a sunken mouth, the ability to chew and eat pain-free, and a radiant confidence to smile again, all while being long lasting and easy to maintain. Who is the most compatible match for dental implants in Gloucester? People with one or more missing teeth, strong bones to secure implants, loose dentures, and are unwilling or unable to wear dentures.

How to decide where to get dental implants in Gloucester

Once someone has decided implants are a solution, they should schedule a consultation for dental implants in Gloucester. During the consultation, the dentist will ask questions, scan the mouth, and draw up a treatment plan. Finding a skillful dentist to perform a dental implants procedure is important, but so is finding a dental clinic that offers state-of-the-art 3D imaging of the mouth, such as Implant & Ceramic Dental Studios.

What to expect during the procedure

Once the mouth is scanned during the consultation, the dentist will remove any fragments of tooth that are left and then place a titanium post into the gums. While there is mild pressure, there is hardly any pain, but anxious patients might also need sedation, and this will be discussed during the consultation. A lot of dentists offer same-day treatments now, meaning immediately after the post is placed, a ceramic crown is attached to the implant and replaces the natural tooth. Same-day treatments are a safer option, because the blood supply is never cut off from the gums. Though, not everyone is eligible for same day treatment, and patients should discuss this with their dentist at the consultation.

What to expect after the procedure?

Patients may experience some slight swelling, bruising, and bleeding after the procedure, but this all typical of dental surgery. Once the dental implants in Gloucester have been inserted, over the next few months the jawbone fuse with them in a process called osseointegration. This creates a firm anchoring for the implants similar to that provided by the fibres that hold natural tooth roots in place. To help maintain dental implants, patients need to practice thorough oral hygiene, visit the dentist routinely for check-ups and a good clean.

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