Debunking 5 Common Hospice Care Myths

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Hospice care is a service that you might require at some point in your life, or your loved ones. Death is not an option for anyone, but you can choose the care that you need at the end of your life. As such, people opt for hospice care during the last months of their lives or those of their loved ones because the care services have an array of benefits to the ailing person as well as the family members.

However, despite the importance of hospice care services, they are still a mystery to most people. Several misconceptions face hospice care because few people understand what it is all about. As such, the myths discourage ailing people and their loved ones from seeking hospice care services, which hinders them from enjoying quality life during their last days.

Hospice care is only for people who have lost hope in life

The truth is that hospice care is not for the dying, and it is not all about dying. The service focuses on assisting patients to live a high-quality life and enjoy life to the fullest with the time they have left. Surprisingly, patients with a terminal illness who opt for hospice care services in Indiana usually live longer and happier lives than those who do not choose the services and only depend on aggressive medical care.

Opting for hospice care means giving up control

In reality, you are always in control of the kind of care you get from a hospice care facility. You or your loved ones have the final say on the level of care and the person who provides the care. Therefore, you should not shy away from choosing hospice care because you fear giving up control of your choices and life.

Hospice is a place

Doctor with two elders

It is one of the most common misconceptions about hospice. On the contrary, it is a philosophy of care. Patients can receive hospice care even in their homes. Hospice care can also be offered in assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Patients and their loved ones get to choose where they want to receive the care from, based on their needs and medical condition.

Hospice is only for cancer patients

Most people who choose hospice care have been diagnosed with cancer. However, that does not mean that it only serves cancer patients. Terminally ill patients can also choose hospice. The care helps people with illnesses such as kidney, lung, neurological, and heart diseases. It also helps those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and Alzheimer’s.

Hospice care is only for the elderly

It is never limited to the elderly; it serves people of all ages. Surprisingly, children and infants also benefit from hospice care as long as they have terminal illnesses. Furthermore, studies reveal that close to 20 percent of hospice patients are below the age of 65.

You should not shy away from choosing hospice care services for you or your loved ones. Besides, now you know the truth about the care services; hence, the myths shouldn’t discourage you. The best part is that your loved one can receive hospice care at home.

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