Essentials Oils that are Good for the Skin

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Essential oils are oils that are naturally extracted from herbs, fruits, or flowers. Typically, essentials oils are sourced from the most aromatic part of the plant which explains the fragrant scents that they possess.

Essential oils are commonly used for aromatherapy to help promote physical and emotional health and well-being. People who experience anxiety or poor sleeping patterns use essential oils to help them relax and encourage sleep.

In addition to inhalation, essential oils can enter the body by topical application. However, because of their strong concentration, most essential oils should be diluted before being applied to the skin to avoid irritation.

Many skincare products, like Cherub Rubs, a line of baby and adult personal care products distributed in Singapore, contain essentials oils that help effectively address various types of skin conditions and problems.

Below are some of the most skin-friendly essential oils that are good for the skin.

Lemon Oil

Lemon Oil has a refreshing, citrus scent that energizes and uplifts mood. It is a natural diffuser, making it suitable for clearing a room from any unpleasant odor. Lemon oil has powerful cleansing and exfoliating properties useful in fighting off skin problems such as acne, blackheads, and oily skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil offers soothing effects which makes it suitable in helping reduce skin itchiness and irritation. It can also be used for oily skin, removing excess sebum without drying the skin. Tea tree oil is also effective in treating cuts and wounds for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Apricot Kernel Oil

Apricot kernel oil helps ease the symptoms of eczema, soothing itchy or irritated skin. Rich in vitamins A and E, apricot kernel oil promotes softer skin by restoring its natural moisture. It also has a light finish so it doesn’t leave an oily residue after application.

Sweet Almond Oil

Due to its mild, hypoallergenic composition, sweet almond oil can be used on baby skin. Sweet almond oil contains vitamin E which protects the skin from oxidants and UV rays. It also has emollient properties that help the skin retain moisture so it stays soft and supple. Sweet almond oil is also effective against scalp problems like dandruff and dry, itchy scalp.

Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower seed oil has natural calming properties that help soothe skin redness and roughness. It contains linoleic acid and vitamin E which support skin cell regeneration. Sunflower seed oil is also rich in vitamin A, C, and D that effectively combat acne-causing bacteria.

Lavender Oil

Essential oil with lavender flowers

Lavender oil is a common ingredient in many lotions, shampoos, soaps, and body wash for its amazing fragrance. In addition to its calming scent, lavender oil helps soothe insect bites, minor cuts, and scratches. Lavender oil is also an effective insect repellent.

Macadamia Oil

Macadamia oil is a non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic oil. As macadamia oil closely matches the naturally occurring sebum of the skin, it is useful in helping the skin retain its moisture without having a greasy after-effect.

With the many skin benefits that essential oils provide, it is important to include personal care products containing essential oils in one’s skincare routine. Continued use of essential oil-infused skincare products will help in achieving healthy, glowing skin.

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