Why dental practices need websites with the 7P’s!

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Dental websites are becoming increasingly important in the digital age. A website can be an important introduction for prospective patients to a dental practice, and these are increasingly significant as patients surf the web to find a dentist offering the latest cosmetic treatments, or their local dentist for the whole family, whatever their requirements, they will spend less than a minute on average checking out what you’re all about.

There are certain features that a good website should have and small businesses may think that creating their own content is a savvy, money-saving concept. As wonderful as your website may be, however, can you be sure that you will show up on the top spot of Google searches? Using analytics to monitor the traffic to your page and ensuring that web content is going to match the keywords being searched for can be a time-consuming enterprise and many dentists are now turning to marketing experts in search engine optimisation (SEO) marketing.

Dental Focus is an example of a multi-award winning marketing company for dental practices that have a 7P’s approach: Profile, People, Premises, Prices, Promises, Proof, and Products.

What is the 7P’s?

The phrase 7P’s is coined by business coach, Chris Barrow, and the aim of this strategy is to create website content that is emotional and powerful for the reader, building a relationship with them from this first point of contact. This makes the website stand out above other websites and has been a successful formula for Dental Focus.

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The Profile involves introducing the unique selling points of the practice to avoid people visiting the site clicking off in the first 5 seconds. Once you have hooked the reader, they can then learn about the People who work there and what the Premises are like. Giving people a sense of the personalities they will meet when they go to a dental practice can be a powerful way to encourage people to visit one dental practice above another, especially if it is in luxurious surroundings. Couple that with a transparent Pricing structure and an explanation of the care journey they will receive, and prospective patients should feel compelled to visit, especially where a website highlights the Proof of the case studies of successful treatments and an explanation of the branded treatment packages on offer for the Products.

How will my website be more successful with a marketing company?

Alongside a successful website, a marketing company will ensure that your website ranks high on a search engine’s results page. While there is a lot of advice on how to do this yourself, it can be a time-consuming pursuit and not one for the faint-hearted. Certainly, employing experts in this field can be a thrifty measure when the conversions to patients in the practice are increased as a result of a well-managed website, social media presence and blog articles. A marketing company will monitor any changes in keywords used on search engines and ensure that new content produced for your dental practice matches this, pushing your website higher up the search engine results and ensuring you get the most benefit from your modern and enticing website.

With so many options available on the web, having the option of an award-winning marketing company like Dental Focus may make one decision easier to make.

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