Getting Hair Loss Treatment: What You Must Know

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Nearly 40% of men’s total population suffer from hair loss problems. This number even increases by the time people reach the age of 65. At this point, both men and women can see visible signs of hair loss.

Most people consider this a natural occurrence, especially when they get older. However, there are those who develop conditions that are rare that it causes them to lose hair even at the earlier stages of their lives. Many would find it embarrassing, which could totally affect the way they see and project themselves.

Fortunately, they don’t have to worry about that anymore because there are now a variety of ways to help people grow them back. To give you a quick overview, listed below are the most popular hair restoration procedures in the Philippines:

Minoxidil & Finasteride

Minoxidil and Finasteride are the only two FDA-approved drugs that a person could take to treat androgenic alopecia, also known as pattern baldness. Both men and women could take this medication to help balance their hormone levels. However, before taking any of these drugs, it’s important that you are properly advised by your physician to ensure your safety and well-being.

Although minoxidil and finasteride are effective hair growth drugs, there are instances when you have to stop taking them when the results are no longer visible. That’s why it’s essential to seek your doctor’s recommendation before you decide on anything.

Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation Effect on a Man

Hair grafting, or what is most commonly referred to as hair transplant, is an outpatient procedure that is performed by a fully licensed dermatologist. Unlike taking minoxidil and finasteride, this method is proven to be more permanent.

This surgical technique involves the removal of hair follicles from the donor site, which will then be transplanted to the recipient site or the balding area. Aside from the scalp, this procedure can be used in filling in the following area:

  • Beard Hair
  • Chest Hair
  • Eyebrows
  • Eyelashes

Note that the healing process may take two to six weeks while hair growth can be visible a few months after the surgery. Regardless, this hair restoration method has the most permanent and natural hair growth.

Scalp Reduction

Scalp reduction is another under-the-knife procedure to help men and women treat hair loss. This is also known as flap surgery. The idea is to move a portion of your scalp with growing hair to cover for the balding areas. This is considered a major surgery, which is why it is only performed by physicians who have extensive experience in hair restorations.

For the first few months, as the patient goes through recovery, they might feel tightness and headache. A little pain can be felt, but it’s perfectly normal. To treat the headache, patients are advised to take non-aspirin pain relievers. For this, it is best to ask your doctor for medication.

These are just some of the most common hair loss treatments available right now. In case you’re interested in learning more about this, feel free to schedule an online consultation with your preferred hair transplant clinic. Be sure you do it now because one of the most esteemed clinics, Nuhart Philippines, is currently offering a Valentine’s Day promo.

What are you waiting for? Start making your appointments today and take advantage of this one-time offer.

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