Reasons to Fix Your Slightly Crooked Teeth

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Many people with slightly crooked teeth or other minor dental imperfections choose to do nothing about them. After all, they’re not causing any pain, and they’re not noticeable. Why spend the money and time to fix something that’s not really a problem, right?

Why Fixing Even Slight Crooked Teeth Makes Sense

You may see no important reason to fix your crooked teeth now, but there are good reasons to consider correcting them sooner rather than later.

Improve Oral Health

When teeth are even slightly out of place, they can be more challenging to clean properly. This increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Correcting your teeth now will help ensure that your smile stays healthy for years to come.

For example, suppose your teeth are only mildly crooked. In that case, you may get away with simply wearing braces for a shorter time than if you wait until your teeth are more severely misaligned.

Prevent Further Damage

Leaving crooked teeth untreated can actually cause further damage. For instance, if you have crowded teeth, they may begin to shift and rotate out of alignment. This can lead to a bad bite, which puts unnecessary stress on your teeth and can cause them to break or chip.

In some cases, crooked teeth can also lead to Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders. This condition occurs when the bones and muscles in your jaw become misaligned, causing pain and difficulty chewing. Correcting your teeth now can help prevent further damage and save yourself from a lot of pain down the road.

Boost Your Self-Confidence

If you’re not happy with your smile, it can hurt your self-confidence. It may cause you to avoid social situations or feel self-conscious when interacting with others.

Fixing your crooked teeth can give you the boost of confidence you need to really enjoy your life. Studies show that people with straight teeth are 58% more likely to be successful and attractive. This means it can also make finding a job or partner easier when you have a straighter set of pearly whites.

Save Money and Avoid Complications in the Long Run

Treating dental problems early on is often much less expensive than waiting to get treatment after the problem has already worsened. For example, getting braces to correct crooked teeth is cheaper than getting dental implants to replace missing teeth.

Additionally, the sooner you treat dental problems, the less likely you will experience more serious and costly complications. So, if you’re considering fixing your crooked teeth, do it now before the problem worsens and costs you more money in the long run.

What Are Your Options for Fixing Crooked Teeth?

If you’re thinking about fixing your crooked teeth, there are a few different options available to you. The best choice for you will depend on the severity of your misalignment, as well as your budget and personal preferences.

Common treatment options for crooked teeth include the following:


Braces are a traditional orthodontic treatment that uses metal brackets and wires to correct misaligned teeth. Although braces are more visible than Invisalign aligners, they are often more affordable, costing an average of $3,000 to $7,000.

This option is still popular today, especially among adults, as newer braces options are much less visible than traditional metal ones. Some people also like the idea that they get to change the color of their braces over time to reflect their personality.

Dental Veneers

These are thin, custom-made shells dentists bond to the front of your teeth. They can be an easy fix for various dental problems, including slightly crooked teeth. You can choose between composite resin, costing an average of $250 to $1500 per tooth, or porcelain veneer, which costs an average of $925 to $2,500 per tooth.

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic treatment option because they can give you a straighter and whiter smile in just two visits to the dentist. However, they are not suitable for everyone. You may not be a good candidate for this treatment if you have severely misaligned teeth.



Invisalign aligners are a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear, plastic aligners to gradually straighten teeth. Because the aligners are practically invisible, many prefer Invisalign over metal braces. The average cost of Invisalign is $3,500, but it can vary depending on the severity of your misalignment and your specific treatment plan.

Many people would interchange clear plastic retainers with Invisalign aligners because they achieve the same purpose: gradually straightening teeth. In reality, there are distinct differences between the two.

Retainers help keep your teeth in their ideal position after the treatment. Invisalign aligners, on the other hand, are part of the treatment itself. Unlike braces, aligners are removable and continuously adjust teeth alignment and spacing. Dentists usually replace aligners every two weeks until you complete the treatment.

Making The Decision

The best way to figure out which treatment is right for you is to consult with an orthodontist or dentist. They will be able to assess the severity of your misalignment and recommend the best course of treatment based on your individual needs. Find a reputable dental clinic that offers these three services, talk to a dental professional, and weigh your options.

Let’s say you chose Invisalign. You need to do is find a good Invisalign provider. You want to ensure that the provider you choose has experience treating patients with Invisalign aligners. They should also give you a clear idea of what the treatment will entail and how long it will take to see results.

If you’re considering whether or not to fix your crooked teeth, there is no reason to wait any longer. Remember, straighter teeth aren’t just for looks—they can also lead to better oral health overall! Even if you are a bit self-conscious about your smile, plenty of treatment options are available. The best choice for you will depend on the severity of your misalignment and your budget and personal preferences.

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