Heart Diseases that Every Adult Must Know

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Heart disease is the most common cause of mortality worldwide. Statistics show that cardiovascular disease alone causes approximately 25 percent of adult deaths in the United States. This is equivalent to almost 10 million people worldwide and more than 600,000 individuals in the U.S. alone. Due to the rising death rate caused by heart problems, it is vital to find a physician in Kanab who specializes in cardiology. Doing so can ensure the early evaluation and management of diseases.

Ischemic Heart Disease

This is the most common type of cardiovascular problem that has significant long-term health effects on the body. This condition is characterized by the gradual formation of fatty plaques that occlude the vessels of the heart. Over time, plaques will enlarge, leading to the narrowing of the lumen that serves as a passageway of blood. Blood flow to the heart tissue is impeded due to the obstruction that alters smooth circulation.

Common clinical manifestations of ischemic heart disease include chest heaviness, sweating, lightheadedness, and numbness of the upper body and arms. Based on the extent of the occlusion, the onset and severity of manifestations will vary.

Ischemic heart disease can be definitely diagnosed with an electrocardiogram (ECG) and the measurement of cardiac enzymes, such as myoglobin, creatine kinase, and troponin. If vessel obstruction is confirmed in the tests, the patient must be admitted in a hospital to dissolve the clot and promote blood flow. Blood thinners, pain relievers, and intravenous fluids must be started to restore normal heart function.

Congestive Heart Failure

Man with heart pain

This is a chronic and progressive condition that is characterized by the decreased pumping ability of the heart. Since the heart is unable to contract properly, there is an impairment in the distribution of blood throughout the body. The rest of the organs do not receive adequate oxygen and nutrients to maintain function. In addition, fluid accumulates in the right side of the body due to the poor pumping action of the heart.

Heart failure is diagnosed mainly based on clinical history and a physical examination by a cardiologist. However, further testing through ECG and an echocardiogram are necessary to determine the cause and severity of heart failure. Upon confirmation of diagnosis, medical management is pivotal to provide symptomatic relief and reduce disease progression. Therapeutic interventions are given to improve heart contraction and lessen water retention in the body to maintain proper fluid distribution.


This is a condition wherein an abnormal electrical impulse results in irregular heart rhythm. This can occur as a result of coronary artery disease, heart failure, and other cardiovascular diseases that impair heart muscle function. Electrolyte imbalance is also a common reversible cause of arrhythmia, which can be diagnosed through blood workup. This condition can be diagnosed by a cardiologist by listening to your heartbeat and can be confirmed through ECG, which will show abnormal tracings due to irregular heart rhythm.

Heart disease is a leading cause of death among men and women in the United States. Since several factors can predispose you to develop heart problems, it is vital to visit a cardiologist to ensure the comprehensive examination and screening of diseases.

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