Ways You Can Stay Physically Active During the Lockdown

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The recent lockdown has affected several aspects of our lives, and that includes our mobility.

Physical activity has a direct impact on health, so no matter the circumstances, it’s important to get moving. Any form of workout routine will be good for your mind and body. For some people, the frustration of not being on their usual level of activity is taking a toll on their mental health. Which makes exercise even more important to help ease stress and depression.

If you’ve been feeling less motivated and want to get back on track, these tips are perfect for people staying at home:

Turn Everything into a Workout

If you’re housebound most of the time, you can incorporate movement into your day. Physical activity is not a one-time event; it should be a lifestyle. If you think of exercise that way, it will get you through times like this, when your regular routine has been disrupted.

So, how do you sneak in movement to your daily life at home? Two words: household chores. Tasks like sweeping, dusting, scrubbing, vacuuming, walking up and down the stairs, even gardening, go a long way in working your leg and arm muscles.

Try a light workout during commercial breaks. Do jumping jacks, squats, sit-ups, push-ups, or lunges. Be mindful of the pauses in your day. Take advantage of the time when you have to wait while lunch is cooking in the oven or those last 20 minutes before your Zoom meeting starts. You can do yoga poses and arm exercises during these intermissions.

Move around the house. Don’t give in to the temptation of your couch or bed. Walk around when you’re on the phone. If you need to get something upstairs, take an extra lap or two.

Use the Internet

home workoutBecause of the lockdown, many gyms have to move all their physical classes online to keep catering to their members. Personal trainers are also offering virtual sessions and classes, which not only gives you a social connection, but also a sense of accountability.

There are free workouts you can find on YouTube. Virtually any type of workout, whether it’s yoga or barre, of any length, intensity, or level is available online, both paid and free, so there’s no shortage of options.

Try Exergames

Activity-focused and simulation video games are a good way to keep your heart rate up. Also known as “exergames”, famous examples include Kinect, Wii, and Dance Dance Revolution. You can also try virtual reality games that simulate tennis, bowling, skateboarding, or even sword fighting. These are good alternatives to the real thing.

Be Kind to Yourself

At the end of it all, it’s important to be kind and patient with yourself. The current situation hasn’t been easy on anyone, and it’s made it a lot more difficult to participate in things that you normally enjoyed. Even a walk in the park isn’t feasible for a lot of people nowadays. While you’re making the most of what you have, it’s normal to feel frustrated once in a while. Don’t beat yourself up. Try focusing on the undeniable fact that the lightest workout can make you feel so much better. Pamper yourself. Make a special fruit smoothie, call your loved ones, take a long bubble bath.

Remember that health is both physical and mental. Staying active, eating right, and being easy on yourself is the best thing you can do at this difficult time.

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