Why Do Adults Still Get Acne?

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Some people think their acne problems are over once they pass their teenage years. The awkwardness of acne breakouts and its negative effects on a person’s confidence are things that one would rather forget. However, it is still possible to get acne even in adulthood. This is something that would surprise others because they are unaware of the risk factors.

To determine if you might get adult acne, here are some of its primary causes.

Chronic Stress

If you think you are under a lot of stress while at school, you’d realize that working and having a boss are more stressful. Chronic stress increases the likelihood of getting adult acne. Experts suspect that hormone cortisol is a possible link with acne in adulthood.

Chronic stress induces adrenal glands to release cortisol or also known as the “stress hormone.” It regulates various processes of the body, but when under chronic stress, it goes into overdrive, which may cause acne. Learn how to manage stress to reduce the possibility of getting pimples.

Fluctuation of Hormones

Both men and women have hormonal fluctuations that may cause adult acne. For women, the higher release of progesterone after ovulation increases sebum production in the skin. For men, testosterone may also boost the skin’s production of sebum. Both cases improve the likelihood of getting pimples in adulthood. This occurs when cysts form in the skin; it’s among the results of the high production of sebum.

Wrong Products

Certain skin care products work better for some people because of their skin type. You might just be using the wrong products for your facial routine. Your skin might be sensitive to certain ingredients. Some are oil-free, water-based, or non-comedogenic just to name some. Each one provides users with a set of benefits that keeps their faces acne-free. Look for the best face wash for acne-prone skin that works for your skin type.

It’s in Your Genes

If an immediate relative had acne during their adult years, the odds of you getting it are high. Genes play a role in determining the visibility and size of skin pores. These affect sebum production levels and the kinds of products you can use on your face. This is out of your control, but you can learn more about your skin type and follow a skin care regimen that suits you.

Woman checking skin Pollution in the Surroundings

Air pollution adds layers of dirt, dust, and other small particles on your face. These may irritate your skin or clog the pores. Overexposure to UV rays dries the skin and may eventually cause excess oil secretion. These are factors that increase the likelihood of adult acne. The ideal way to counter this is to follow a skin care routine that prevents acne.

Lifestyle Choices

Late nights, bad food, sedentary days, and other lifestyle choices are likely to cause adult acne. Combine a good skin care routine with regular exercise, sleeping enough hours, and eating the right way to reduce the possibility of getting pimples.

These are some of the reasons you are likely to get adult acne. Use the appropriate facial product for your skin type and change your lifestyle to avoid acne.

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